About Us

Green Recovery Technologies has created and developed innovative technological solutions that separate underutilized biomass streams originating in Animal fat and protein production into valuable materials for commodity and value-added applications.


For decades, protein producers have struggled with the disposal of solids originating from their water treatment operations. The conventional practice is to land apply these materials or to add them to already-strained water treatment operations.


GRT’s technology can transform complex biomass streams, which currently represent an ecological liability, into high value protein and fat for aquaculture, and biodiesel applications.


GRT has partnered with an existing material aggregator who provides feedstock that meets or exceeds GRT’s highest quality standards. The feedstock is delivered utilizing their existing collection and distribution system, which in turn further optimizes the operational and environmental footprint of GRT’s business.

GRT is a well-funded private company formed by a group of Delawareans who are passionate about leveraging technology to create sustainable living solutions. GRT has not taken any public money to build this business and holds various patents and intellectual property around this groundbreaking technology.